fredag 4 september 2015

The purpose

I started meditating about two years ago, and I have done it on a daily basis since. It has helped me a lot, with regulating emotions and not act on impulse. It creates a space between the feeling that arise and the action you chose to take.

What I didn't do until this quarter was to ad a purpose to my meditation. WHY am I doing it? Sure, I knew I did it to reduce stress, for it to calm me down, and because it made me feel super good every morning as I got out of the meditation practice. These 10 weeks though, I've added a real purpose to why I sit down every morning for 15 minutes. I know exactly what my goal is, and I repeat it to myself as I meditate.

I am well aware that a lot of people don't believe in meditation, but I can only speak for myself and the fact that my eyes actually teared up in class yesterday when we talked about the changes we have seen in our selves throughout this quarter. They are HUGE. My teacher shared my tears and she told me that I am a completely new person now then the one I was in the beginning of the quarter. She says I'm a huge bowl of sunshine now, and that she saw the worrying and the stress I was carrying around in the beginning of the quarter.

It's so important to listen to your gut. Because you always always always know when something is right for you or not. I chose to not listen to my gut, and I allowed my brain (and the norms of society) to take over. Fortunately for me, life happened and it reminded me of what I have to do and apparently it turned me in to a glowing person filled with positivity.

I am leaving Santa Barbara next Thursday. These four years changed my life in every way possible.  I have set a real purpose, I know exactly what I want to do and achieve, and I'm completely open to everything life has to offer me at this point.

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