I also spent some time reading Fabian Bohlins blog, who is a 28 year old Swede who is battling leukemia. I have been following his journey like so many others, and the gratitude for having a healthy body adds to my already existing gratitude. He is a great inspiration, and I am grateful for the fact that he writes me back when I write him. He is a beautiful person inside out.
The refugee crisis in Europe keeps getting worse, and the gratitude for having a home, food available, and a bed adds so much more.
As I write this, I almost feel guilty for taking things for granted. We all do that more or less. I was lucky enough to be born in an amazing country, being raised by loving supportive parents and a childhood where I had everything I ever needed.
My family is happy and healthy. I am happy and healthy. That is all that really matters.
I want to encourage everyone to stop for a moment today and just appreciate everything and everyone you have in your life. Yes everyone is struggling with things, large or small, and it's ok to struggle but it is so important to appreciate all the good things. Sometimes we let our problems take over and we allow ourselves to have bad days or even bad weeks or months. Fact is, we are alive and life itself is an amazing thing.
We are able to breathe without having terrible chest pain. We are able to walk without being scared that our next step will lead us to a country border who will refuse our entry.
Did you all know that when you feel gratitude, your heart's energy expands your existing energy field? It actually radiates a positive energy that is contagious.
I also want to tell everyone in my life how much I appreciate you. Even if we haven't spoken for a long time or haven't seen each other in a while, I want you all to know how much I appreciate your existence and that you have without a doubt taught me things that have been important for me, because every person you meet will teach you something.
It might sound silly, but I want everyone who reads this to smile at strangers today. At least 5. I always do that when I need a switch in mood. When I smile at someone I don't know and they smile back, it makes my entire day. I assure you that it makes their day as well.
Let's make this day, 9/11, a day filled with gratitude and love.
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