torsdag 20 augusti 2015

Be your own best friend

Today in my mindfulness class, we did a guided meditation and I met myself. This sounds so weird and super crazy to people who don't believe in spirituality, but I met myself. It was like seeing myself from the outside for the very first time, and I walked right up to myself and gave me the biggest hug, and told myself, I love you. I hugged myself and held myself for a minute or so. Freaky, I know.

Today is the very last day of my "twenty something" days. Looking back on these 10 years since I turned 20 has been a blast today. I've learned amazing lessons in life! I have done so much! All the countries I've seen, all the people I've met, all the let downs, the love, the craziness, the jobs I've had, the studying...
Plus, I am extremely grounded in myself now. I know all my qualities and all my flaws. I wear my heart on my sleeve sometimes, and that's a part of me.
I have complained about my flaws a lot and I have been wanting to change myself in some areas, but today as I was sitting in class, I was just like..I need to just accept every single thing about myself, just as much as I need to accept every single thing about other people. That is the only way. Because truth is; everyone has flaws. E v e r y o n e.

I need to understand that not everyone will get me. I don't get everyone. I get surprised still when I discover sides that I never would have thought existed in people I know, but that's ok.  I'm not the one to judge because I'm clearly not perfect either. Things happen for a reason, and I have become an expert on connecting the dots in my life that has led me to making choices. It's super fascinating.

I'm the type of person that get really excited when I learn new things, and how you can grow as a human being. I want to share it with everyone, but not everyone will be as inspired or believe in the things I believe in. I have found that to be frustrating in the past, because to me, it seems so boring to live a life where you don't believe in anything.

I have discovered now though, that all I need to do is focus on myself. I'm grateful for my beliefs, and I'm so so so happy to be me. My main goal in life is to be happy like everyone else. To love and accept myself completely. Because, when you really think about it, all you have is yourself. Even if you are in a relationship, you still need to be completely grounded, independent, and accepting of the person you really are. Because another person can never complete you. You complete you, another person can lift you, but not complete you.

As I close the chapter of twenty something, I couldn't be happier. I've learned lessons up until this very last day, and I look forward to the next chapter in life, because I plan to live it with tons of compassion for others, but most importantly; with compassion for myself. I am my own best friend.

Happy last day as a twenty something to me!

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