torsdag 17 september 2015

Who are my people?

I'm at LAX right now, eating chicken and rice, and preparing to take off in about 2,5 hours. I am excited to come home and see everyone but it's a really strange feeling.

I got in line to check in my bags and I didn't even have to look for the sign that said norwegian, because I could spot all the swedes from miles away. I got in line and I immediately felt that these are not my people. Not anymore. Obviously I will always be Swedish and I love Sweden to death but as I was looking at the tall blonde-ish guys in jeans shorts, and all the females who look kind of angry in Victoria Secret sweatpants that they bought here, I just thought to myself "where are all the super chill guys with hats in board shorts and the smiling girls in yoga pants". I think they are my people now.

I'm gonna give Sweden a serious shot, I really am, but being here changed me. Or no, not changed me, it just made me realize where I feel a sense of belonging.

I have always had the mindset that I can do anything and I believe in myself. That mindset is accepted here but not as much in Sweden. Swedes are logical people who tell me to think "realistically". Although, nothing in my life these past 4 years have fallen under the term realistic. Things happen here that you can only dream of in Sweden. Opportunities here are AMAZING.

I'm going home, I will find a job, I will live a swedish life but I know that I will leave my heart here, in California.

After this 11 hour something flight, my positive dad will pick me up and we will discuss my future and he will inspire me as always, then I'll be home and I will grab lunch with my encouraging mom who I know will support me in whatever I want to do.


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