torsdag 19 mars 2015


I think anger is a healthy feeling. It means you know your own worth.
IF you feel it for about 5 minutes, let it all out., and let go of it.

I can tell you that I have zero understanding for people who hold on to anger and frustration forever and are stubborn as hell about it. Why? You're only hurting yourself by doing that!
If you know that a person has done you wrong, lied to you, treated you wrong etc, let them fucking know that they are idiots, go workout, punch something if you need to, scream, cry, do whatever you need but let it go afterwards, and never chase them.

Because people who don't appreciate you do not deserve any of your frustration. They don't care anyways. Trust me. I have been on the other side. I've hurt people who care deeply about me, I know that. They didn't deserve anything I ever did to them. They have held on to anger towards me, told me how wrong I've done them, but in all honesty; I didn't care about it because I never truly cared about them.
Horrible isn't it? This is in my past now and I have learned a lot about myself since this has happened and I know now that by being honest and a decent person, you always treat people the way they deserve.

What I am trying to say is; See the positive side, be glad when you find out if someone did something that is unforgivable, because it means you can move on and find someone else who is so much better. Better to know sooner than later right?

Let go of the anger. Try hard to forgive the people who hurt you, and don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that what they did to you was devastating for a long time. Scream at them and let them know they did you wrong ONCE but never ever chase them and tell them again and again. That will only cause them to care less. and less. and less..

-Plus, there's thing awesome thing called KARMA which works every time. What you put out, you will get back. Trust me, I know this to because I have experienced it.

Happy Thursday everyone.

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