Agree? Maybe not, but that's how I see it.
I can be really deep, and I have thought about the meaning of life since I was a kid. What's the meaning with all this when I'm gonna die one day anyways? Eat, sleep, stress, work? I don't think so.
The ones who truly know me have know that I am a dreamer, and I believe in big BIG things. I believe in the possibility of life long love filled with passion, fun, laughter, attraction, energy. I believe in having a job that has purpose, that gives you energy instead of draining you. I believe in inspiring others to challenge themselves and continually grow as human beings. I believe you can change. I believe that if there's a will there's a way. I believe in true purpose. I believe in looking into the eyes of someone you love and be in that moment without thinking about what you need to do in the morning. I believe in being happy, truly and fully. I believe in standing up for how I feel in every situation.
You think I'm naive? Maybe. But it's the way I chose to give my life purpose, by believing in these, and by constantly work for them, and above all else; work on myself.
By staying really busy, taking on way too much responsibility, trying to prove you can do everything, showing the world that your life has purpose because you are needed, might cause you to loose the things that has true purpose.
This might sound silly to some people, but one of the meanings of true purpose for me is to take moments each day and appreciate, and to discover things. I am in my own world when I am walking around town for example. I never see friends waving at me because I see squirrels in trees, ants on the ground, a really old couple walking hand in hand, clouds that has a shape of something, or a big red balloon across the street.
I want to make the most of my time, and not look back on my life if I grow to be old, thinking about how stressed I was, or how I missed my kids important soccer game because I had to work at a job I didn't like, or be too tired to ask how my future husbands day was and be able to truly engage, or how I lost valuable sleep that keeps me sane because I worry about all the things I have to do. I want purpose, and I want to be able to have the energy it takes to appreciate what matters most to me.
Think that I'm crazy if you want, but this is what I think I need, in order to not loose my sometimes complex mind. Because I love my mind even if it's my worst enemy sometimes.
I am in a really busy period in my life right now and have been struggling to calm my mind, but now I'm just basically telling it to shut up. I won't let stress ruin my last months here. I just won't. So I keep my eyes open, a smile on my face, and I keep acknowledging the bugs that walk next to me on the sidewalk.
I say stop glorifying being crazy busy. Start glorifying living a life filled with whatever true purpose means to you.
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