What do you say to that? YES!
I e-mailed my teachers saying I had to go out of town, packed a bag and hoped on a train, and traveled for about 7 hours until I got to Fresno. I honestly had no idea what to expect, what the venue looked like, who was gonna be there etc. But if there's something that California has taught me, it's to be a yes-sayer.
I got there, and I talked to the 2 guys I knew a little from before, started setting up Tiesto's lounge (he wanted rose petals all over the place) Then I got all the alcohol and I set up the whole thing, before Tiesto, Alvaro and Quantino showed up with their "crew". I was the only girl in the room with about 12 guys, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, because I am way more comfortable being social and comfortable with guys then with girls. So I poured jager and made drinks, and partied with them before they got on stage one at a time.

Having deep talk with one of the worlds greatest DJ's, giving him advice about love at 4 am, is not something you get to do every day.
This weekend, I'll be working at the french film festival, so I strongly suggest everyone who's up for some awesome french movies to stop by!
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