söndag 15 februari 2015

A new world

I did an experiment last week.

I decided I was going to attract something, by using my thoughts. Mumbo jumbo, new age shit right? Not really. This is me telling you all a story about how visualization is actually working.

Last Monday I decided I was going to get flowers from someone within a week. Every night and morning, I thought about opening the door to our front door, seeing a delivery guy with flowers in his hands. No doubt entered my mind, and I just kept thinking about how happy I would be as I opened the door and get my flowers.

Yesterday, I woke up at 6 am and I knew it was the day it would happen, so I thought I couldn't go to the gym until after 9 am because the delivery guy would come at 9. So I made coffee and started studying. 9.15 am, I hear a knock on the door and I just know its the delivery guy. Yes, it was.
He stood there with a flower arrangement in his hands and asked for Malena. I signed his paper and my hand was shaking. I opened the little note and these flowers were sent from my mom and dad for Valentine's Day. I need to add that I have spent 3 Valentine's days here and my parents have never ever sent me flowers before! Not for my birthday or anything.

What is crazy though is that I thought I would be more excited? This visualization thing was working its magic, even on the time I imagined it to happen, but I wasn't surprised. That's probably because in my head I already knew it would happen..

It's funny how it works. So now, I am continuing this experiment to attract something new every week.
This is a whole new world opening.
I understand that some people will think this is complete BS, and that its all just coincidence, but after everything I've been studying, reading about, experiencing, been through, this is very very real to me.

Other than that, this week has been awesome in every single way. We have been in a heatwave so I've been spending 4 days in a row at the beach and by the pool. I come alive, I feel so care free and I LOVE that I live here!

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