fredag 19 augusti 2016

The journey is more important than the goal

When you're new at work, all you can think about is: "I can't wait till I'm comfortable in this role".
When you're in school you just wanna graduate.
When you've just met someone that you really like, you can't wait till you feel grounded in the relationship, and feel secure.


When you're comfortable in your role at work, you might have entered the hamster wheel and you're not motivated anymore.
When you've graduated school, you'll enter the world of trying to find a job, and all you want is to just find a job instead.
When you're secure in that relationship, do you take each other for granted?

My point is: don't rush things. Enjoy the way things are. When you're new at work, everything's new and exciting, and you're so motivated!
When you're in school, you have the freedom to choose when and where you wanna study. You're surrounded by classmates, by inspiring teachers and motivating classes.
When you've met someone you like, it's the excitement and the "not taking anything for granted" feeling that is so amazing!

The years actually pass by faster and faster the older you get. I say it all the time, but don't wish away your days, waiting for something new and better.

To make it the best journey possible is the goal. It's the work you have to put in to reach that goal that is the important part because that's where you learn, that's where you set the standard for the turnout.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have goals, not at all. You need goals to stay motivated in life, but what I'm saying is that you should enjoy the ride, and learn from the ride.

Happy friday people, I'm enjoying my last 2 days as a 30 year old...

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