onsdag 3 augusti 2016

Balancing Togetherness and Individuality

I like to surround myself with people who are different from me. Because it's cool to be inspired by others and listen to what other people dream about, who they are and what they're interested in.
If I end up trying something new because someone else talks about all the advantages and benefits of it, I'm super excited! That's awesome. 

Although, it's important to remember that in any relationship, you don't have to do everything together and you certainly don't have to like all the same things. I'm a big fan of having different interests, so that you keep your individual life.
I think I've written about this before, I can't really remember. But the big picture here is that it's crucial to be the person you are and to follow your own hearts will. 

I think it does nothing but backfire on you, when you by own will turn to all the interests and hobbies of another person because you think that they might like you more, or you think they want you to, or because you want to be able to do everything together. It's suuuuuper important to have core beliefs, values and interests in common, but I think having your own interests too is a key to success in a relationship.

This is because I have parents who have been happily married for 34 years. 

My mom loves to read, my dad has read one book in his entire life.
My dad plays professional tennis, my mom tried it out...once.
My mom designed and created her own clothing for years and have an interest in fashion, my dad..well, he walks into a store to buy new jeans or a shirt maybe once a year.
My dad can spend entire afternoons watching sports, and my mom will happily watch her murder case series on another device.

I can't even count the number of times that my mom have told me:
"Remember to always stand on your own feet, even when you're married or in a serious relationship"

If you turn in to the couple who has to do everything together, you might loose your friends, and most importantly: you might loose YOU.
When you insist on doing everything together, you won't ever miss each other. 
Stay true to your interests. Do stuff alone. Do stuff with friends. Do stuff with your boyfriend/girlfriend and all of your friends. Do stuff that you as a couple both love doing and do it together! Because obviously you have to do things that belong to the two of you and that belong in the life that you have created together.

But I really believe in living your own life, balancing the life you live in togetherness. 

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