I've learned. I've grown. I've matured. This is the greatest win of all times, because I'm proud of who I am and the woman I've turned in to. I'm unique, and I'm awesome. This is the receipt.
Everything life has ever thrown at me, I've managed to fight back, and every situation has made my skin thicker. My life and my past has been my teacher, and I've done my homework.

I haven't been quite as good at practicing what I've preached, until now.
I'm using the tools I have collected through time, the ones that I've just kept fumbling around with, and I finally know how to use them. This is just the beginning too though, I will never stop learning and collect even more knowledge and tools, and I'm excited about that.
My weird and wonderful brain is the best thing I've got right now, and it always will be. It always was.
My only wish and one thing I'm unsure about if I've learned for real is the ability to communicate what is happening in that brain of mine, and the ability to ask what is going on in other people's brains to learn what they need from me in order to be understanding and supportive. No one is a mind reader, and I certainly am not either. I've never been good with words I know that all too well, I'm good at writing.
But you know what..time will tell. Only time will tell, because the future is completely blank.
Scary and amazing, just like life itself.
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