“So you see and judge the present through the eyes of the past and get a totally distorted view of it.”
To what extent do you allow yourself to let your past run (or ruin) your life?
Our past can never be changed, but the way you chose to blame your current situation on your past can.
Your past doesn't define who you are, the past defines what has happened to you, but what defines YOU is the way you chose to look at your past, the outcomes of it and the way you act NOW.
But. BUT, I was the one who allowed it to ruin me and I have the ability to change that. Nothing in my past will change, wether I chose to look back and blame, or if I look back and feel gratitude for all the let downs, because they taught me tremendous amounts of life lessons.
I have become so extremely aware of how I react, how I use my defense mechanisms, how I feel in certain situations etc. I react, I act, and I learn something.
When I have done things on impulse (that I usually regret) too many times, I know that I'll never act that way again.
You can change your pattern when you become that aware of your behavior, I know you can. Think about the person you want to be; Do you want to be scared? Or are you willing to take risks and get everything you ever wanted out of life?
The patterns in us that we follow on auto pilot, is usually created from past experiences.
If you opened up completely and told someone your life story and they ended up hurting you brutally, you might not want to open up to the next person who comes along, who could be someone who truly cares about you and genuinely wants to know everything about you, good or bad.
Open your eyes to what is happening right now, and I would say; Trust blindly. Trust in the good in people.
Don't let your old experiences ruin your chances of living a life free from the chains of the past.
Let them go, they're heavy as fuck.