Do you remember how you felt? I mean, how it really felt? The heart brake that made you scream, cry, and crawl on the floor, thinking nothing in the world can make you feel better. The job you really really wanted that you didn't get, that made you're stomach turn inside out. The loss of a loved one, that made you speak out loud to the stars on a sleepless night, because that was the only way you could feel a slight comfort, thinking they were up there listening to you.
These events might have happened many years ago, a few weeks ago, or you might be in a situation that is tearing you up as you are reading this.
What I want you to remember is this; you have super-powers.
I, like all of you, have been through rough paths in my 29year old life. Heartbreaks, illness, loss of loved ones, rejection, hopelessness, depression, panic mention a few.
But what I have always said, is that I am grateful for my struggles. Because I would not be Malena if I hadn't been through it all. I am proud of myself, and I love myself.
I made it through, just like you. Because of the powers we all possess. We just need to remember them when we go through rough times. YOU are going to make it through, just like you did before, I promise.
I'm compassionate and I'm kind. I'm emotional and sensitive. But I'm strong, and tougher than you think. Yes, I am going through something now, but it's not a heartbrake like many of you might think. I'm not broken.
Disappointed, frustrated, angry, yes. But brokenhearted? Hell no.
I'm using every single part of my body to fight this and get through it as quickly as possible.
On that note, Happy Wednesday super-power you. <3
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