onsdag 29 mars 2017

Trust the entire process

There's one thing I will never stop believing in, and that is my own ability.

I believe we all have everything we need within ourselves. We can create motivation, we can inspire ourselves, make a decision to be happy, to be grateful, and we can allow ourselves to dream big, and most importantly; we can trust that those dreams will become reality. Sometimes, we forget this.

I woke up yesterday and I knew what I had to to. I needed to take a day to simply reflect on the path that I'm on careerwise. I work within b2b selling, and everyone who has ever worked in sales know that it is the best job in the entire world, when deals keep rolling in. We also know that it's the toughest, most stressful job in the entire world when you're struggling.

Yesterday, I looked back on my 10 months doing this job. I've been successful and I've felt really good about myself and my contribution to the company. This past month though, it's been tougher.
There's a clear correlation here; In the beginning of march, I started doubting myself and my ability. I started this month with worry, and I allowed myself to lose focus.

And what happens when I start worrying and doubting myself in any area? I place blame on myself. I have this notion now, within, that I know better. I know that I can't start doubting myself. I'm smarter than that. I write this blog, and I talk about the importance of positive thinking, creating prosperity, and loving ourselves. I do know that, and 95% of the time I do practice what I preach. But I clearly have days and weeks when I fail to live by my lives mottos.

This is what could happen:
1. I lose focus and allow doubt to enter my life
2. I realize that I allowed myself to lose focus
3. I blame myself for the fact that I allowed myself to lose focus
4. I get disappointed in myself for blaming myself.

BUT, I stopped myself before I got to number 4. It's completely fine to lose focus and "fail" sometimes! It's a part of the process. I, like everyone else, need to trust the entire process. I want to keep learning about myself, my weaknesses and my strengths, to become the very best version of me, and that is what I'm doing. 

As long as I stay true to what I believe in most of the time, and do everything I can to contribute to my own self development, I'm more than successful!

I put up about 10 quotes by Napoleon Hill at my desk a few weeks ago, just to remind myself to constantly keep my goals in mind, and this is one that truly I appreciate:

“Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do. More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told that their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.” 

Trust the process of life. All we can do is to keep rising when we fall, keep taking the steps we need in order to move forward. Sometimes you will feel the wind beneath your wings and take huge steps, sometimes you will take baby steps, and sometimes you will have to be OK with the fact that you need to sit down, don't take any steps at all, and just reflect for a while. 

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